Sign up now for Uniting in Prayer 2024, 35 days of prayer and connection for the whole Uniting Church
The Act2 Project has moved into the third and final phase, Recommendations for Action. From December 2023 the Project has been working through hundreds of responses from across the Uniting Church and developing recommendations for the 17th Assembly in July 2024.
Uniting in Prayer is a time to pray and reflect on our past and present as the Uniting Church and what God might have in store for oiur future. All who call the Uniting Church home are invited to join together in thanksgiving and hope to pray and seek the leading of the Spirit for the years ahead.
This year we will be drawing on the upcoming Assembly theme, “Threads of Love, Weaving Christ’s Love Across Cultures and Boundaries” as a catalyst for reflection.
During these days of prayer we will join together to pray and reflect on our past and present as the Uniting Church. Seeking to acknowledge and honour our shared humanity in God our creator, and act upon our shared call to shape a world that mirrors the love and unity Christ has for us all.
Resources Now Available! (See Below)

Daily Prayers
We’ll be sharing daily prayers over the 35 days drawn from people across the breadth of the Uniting Church and our faith tradition. Sign Up using the link above to receive them each day by email, or find them on Facebook and Instagram. The full set of prayers will also be available as a pdf to download on the 17th of May. See below for the download link
Gathered Worship
The Act2 Project Unit in partnership with the Assembly Transforming Worship Circle has provided some rich resources, including a full service of worship, prayers, intergenerational activities and creative worship ideas. Biblical reflections are also available to aid your reflection or preaching.
Full Order of Service
Facilitators guide
Additional Worship Resources
Bible Reflections
Available soon
Pray at Home
The Act2 Project Unit has offered an intergenerational resource written for young children and families to take part. Each day has a short reflection, question for sharing and a prayer. This is a great conversation starter around the dinner table, in the garden, heading to school, or wherever you spend time together! Although aimed at a younger age range, it’s easy to tweak for whoever is around your table.
Intergenerational Resource
Prayer Chain
Through Uniting in Prayer different parts of the Uniting Church will be connected to each other through a national prayer chain.
The prayer chain has been sent by email and is now available in full below. If your community didn’t receive it or you’re not on the list, please email the Act2 team.
Prayer Chain
Online Prayer Gathering
On the 29 May we’ll be hosting a national online time of prayer, open to all. This will be a wonderful expression in real time of what we dream will happen across the country during Uniting in Prayer – people gathering to seek the Spirit and pray for each other, our Church and our life.
Join us on Zoom on Wednesday 29 May, 7:30pm AEST.