Building One Another Up in Love
Life-giving Communities of Faith and Discipleship

Next Steps

The Directions offered to the Church were widely supported and generally resonated with the various diverse experiences of communities of faith. No matter where a community was on their journey they could find something within the Directions which could make a difference in their life. In response to the feedback, we have reshaped the Directions into an integrated set of proposals which seek to bring them to life.

The recommended changes alone will not bring about the vision or renew the Church, however they renew the toolkit available to the Church.

Summary of Recommendations

Vision for Life-giving Communities of Discipleship and Mission: Communities of faith will sustain a life of worship, build one another up in love, grow disciples of Jesus and participate in God’s mission. These diverse communities of faith will shape their life in response to God’s call in their context and deepen their relationship with God, one another, the wider Church and the world. Focus on discipleship and mission. A new toolkit for ‘fit for purpose’ local governance. Better beginnings and endings for communities. Review of church membership to align our rules and our reality.

For more detail see the proposals and rationale in Chapter 7 A Way Forward.


Imagine networks of local communities of faith sharing and growing together in faith and love through consistent, intentional, relational and contextual discipleship. Imagine networks of communities of faith, agencies and schools participating in shared mission within their local community. Imagine new communities sharing in the life of the councils of the Church to transform our life and practices. Imagine communities coming to the end of their life committing resources to new and emerging communities in another part of the country. Imagine communities of service beginning communities of faith on a weekday in a workplace. Imagine a mix of communities working together in a shared governance arrangement, sharing their strengths and gifts with one another as they bear one another’s burdens and build one another up in love.

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Shaping the future Uniting Church.

We acknowledge the sovereign First Peoples of the lands and waters where we live and work across the country, and pay our respects to Elders past and present who have cared for these lands for millennia. We are committed to walking together seeking justice and reconciliation.