Assembly Standing Committee Resolutions


Planning for the 16th Assembly (March 2020)

20.29 It was resolved to:

20.29.01 appoint Catherine Pepper, Mark Kickett, Andrew Johnson and the President to work with the General Secretary and the President-Elect to design a process in the lead up to and at the 16th Assembly in order to resource the Assembly to address the significant challenges and opportunities facing the Uniting Church into the future including identity, sustainability and structure;

20.29.02 request the General Secretary to arrange for time to be set aside at the July 2020 meeting of the Assembly Standing Committee for the Assembly Standing Committee to consider the framing of the issues to be addressed at the 16th Assembly and any proposed process for engagement with the Church prior to the 16th Assembly; and

20.29.03 request the Task Group to arrange to resource the conversation at the July 2020 meeting of the Assembly Standing Committee and bring any proposed process for engagement with the Church prior to the 16th Assembly.

Future of the Church Task Group Report and Consultations (July 2020)

20.43 It was resolved to:

20.43.01 receive the report;

20.43.02 adopt the ‘Statement of the Task’, materially in the form as presented, and refer to the Future of the Church Task Group to further refine and guide its work in the lead up to the 16th Assembly;

20.43.03 note the proposed Success Measures in the lead up to and at the 16th Assembly and refer to the Future of the Church Task Group for further refinement;

20.43.04 refer the feedback received from small groups and plenary session to the Future of the Church Task Group to shape and refine its work;

20.43.05 request the Future of the Church Task Group continue the work and report to the November 2020 meeting of the Assembly Standing Committee; and

20.43.06 authorise the Future of the Church Task Group to co-opt additional members as required.