Decision of the 16th Assembly

The Assembly Standing Committee brought a major report called ‘Act2: On the Way’ to the reconvened 16th Assembly meeting in May 2022. It had a number of recommendations for action. This is what the Assembly decided.

The Assembly resolved:


In consideration of the Act2 report and Para 17 of the Basis of Union:

The Uniting Church acknowledges that the demand of the Gospel, the response of the Church to the Gospel, and the discipline which it requires are partly expressed in the formulation by the Church of its law. The aim of such law is to confess God’s will for the life of the Church; but since law is received by human beings and framed by them, it is always subject to revision in order that it may better serve the Gospel. The Uniting Church will keep its law under constant review so that its life may increasingly be directed to the service of God and humanity, and its worship to a true and faithful setting forth of, and response to, the Gospel of Christ. The law of the Church will speak of the free obedience of the children of God, and will look to the final reconciliation of humanity under God’s sovereign grace

22.1 Further to the Act2 Report, to authorise the following work:

  1. to identify ways to strengthen and develop the local expressions of worship, witness, service, and the making and forming of disciples, in the various forms of communities of faith; 
  2. to discern, clarify and strengthen our national identity as a church, informing our structure and culture; and 
  3. to review governance structures and practices that reflect our contemporary context, in particular:
    1. to identify ways to strengthen and develop the local expressions of worship, witness, service, and the making and forming of disciples, in the various forms of communities of faith;
    2. In keeping our law under constant review to address the need for an evolving interconcilliar process that is responsive and agile;
    3. to further develop theological culture of the Uniting Church in Australia, and the framework and provision for theological education;
    4. being informed by our Covenant with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress;
    5. recognising we are a multicultural Church; and
    6. to continue to fulfill of our ethical, legal and social obligations;
  4. to develop a resourcing framework that takes into account whole of Church resourcing arrangements.

22.2 As the Assembly progresses this work, to invite each of the Synods and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress to join with the Assembly, recognising the importance of consultation to be undertaken across the whole of the Church;

22.3 to delegate to the Assembly Standing Committee to progress the work on behalf of the Assembly and report to the 17th Assembly;

22.4 to affirm the importance and urgency of this work and that it should be adequately resourced; and 

22.5 to request each of the Synods in consultation with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Congress to join with the Assembly to consider and contribute to resourcing the work.