God of Wisdom, who crafts the stars
Keep our eyes on your ways
Our ears on your word
Your people in our embrace
And your name on our lips
In the name of the Anointed One who anoints the world. Amen.

Matt, VIC
For change that points us to your Wisdom
For new ways that help us write a new chapter with you our Creator
For listening to each other in the breath of the Spirit
For excitement for the life you offer us O God
Be with us, walk with us, guide us to go deeper into your ways

Michelle, NT

I pray that we will have the courage to step into a new future knowing that God is with us, just like God was with us when we stepped into a new future at Union. I pray that vision carries us forward

Sarah, NSW

I thank God for the minds that used their gifts to add a fresh advent candle to Christianity in 1977. Since then the light from the Uniting Church in Australia’s candle, more than show doors that open for all, and welcomes the marginalised people in our communities. Our candle’s light reaches out and warms, and comforts them where they are – even with simply providing the sense of belonging. In recent times of divisions in the application of the Bible, and basis of faith, and in more marginalisation across Australia and around the globe, the Uniting Church has made some powerful representations to law makers. For instance, not to push through the so called “Christian Bill” as it was dangerously marginalising some people. Thank you Lord that you have led the UCA to manifest Christ’s saving mission, as Luke writes in especially in Chapter 2 verse 11, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Like God’s creation, there is also an endless depth, and no limits to the Love of Christ. Amen.

Ano Ma’ilei, ACT

That we may be courageous and that God may shape a vibrant future for the UCA

Richard, NSW

God of infinite possibilities, open our hearts to you, your hope and your love for us and the Uniting Church. Keep us close to you as we draw near to you. Show us your way and help us not to be limited by what gives us comfort and what we want to hold on to, if you want us to follow you in new ways. Amen.

Colleen, NSW

That we are filled with Grace and Thanks for the blessings of God towards the Church. That we would be led by God through this process, be humble and cast aside preconceptions and be bold in respond to his calling/will. For boldness.

Kevin, QLD

That it will be Spirit led. That we will remain focussed on the priorities of the project, with the end view in mind. That the team will be effective in working together and fruitful in our work. That the Church as a whole will be open to change.

Linda, SA

Creator God, give us creativity and imagination. Risen Christ, grant us wisdom and courage. Holy Spirit, renew the whole creation

Paul, SA

I pray the Act 2 Project's processes may reflect the outcome we aspire towards. That our time together may be infused with new understanding. And that we continue to be surprised at what our presence can do, and what our actions can mean, as the body of Christ in this place, at this time.

Mark, WA

Please Lord, give us peace. Walk with us and guide us.

Jens, QLD

Father, we ask that you pour out your spirit of wisdom on our church. Please give us ears to hear and an open heart filled with your love. Guide us and lead us to be your servants, faithfully working in unity and doing your will. In Jesus name, Amen.

Miriam, TAS